
Astral Chain [Art NG056]

Astral Chain by AshiroKei
[rated: T]
[original resolution 3096x3456 only newgrounds].


Quando a Nintendo mostrou este jogo no Direct no dia 13 de fevereiro de 2019, fiquei completamente empolgado, o “Hype” é real, com um time dos sonhos.
Designer de personagens:
Masakazu Katsura (Zetman / Video Girl Ai).
Hideki Kamiya (Bayonetta / Devil May Cry).
Takahisa Taura (Nier: Automata / Anarchy Regins).
Astral Chain tem lançamento previsto para 30 de agosto de 2019, este é o jogo que me fez comprar um Nintendo Switch.

Espero que todos gostem da arte.

Postado originalmente em 24 de fevereiro de 2019.
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When Nintendo showed this game in Direct on February 13, 2019, I was completely excited, the "Hype" is real, with a dream team.
Character designer: 
Masakazu Katsura (Zetman/Video Girl Ai)
Hideki Kamiya (Bayonetta/Devil May Cry)
Takahisa Taura (Nier: Automata/Anarchy Regins).
Astral Chain is scheduled to launch on August 30, 2019, this is the game that did me buy one Nintendo Switch.

I hope all enjoy of the art.

Originally Posted on February 24, 2019.

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners
Art © AshiroKei.

Lipstick [Art NG055]

Lipstick by AshiroKei
[original resolution 1000x1000 only newgrounds]


Dollface da série Twisted Metal.
Meu primeiro Gif aqui em Newgrounds.

Espero que todos gostem da arte.

Postado originalmente em 4 de fevereiro de 2019.
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Dollface from Twisted Metal series.
My fist Gif here i n Newgrounds.

I hope all enjoy of the art.

Originally Posted on February 4, 2019.

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners
Art © AshiroKei.


38K Art Votation [RESULTS]



Resultados da votação da arte de 38K!

(Aberta 20 de Agosto  de 2021 / fechada 19 de Outubro de 2021)

arte → Mihoshi 38K.



Results of the Votation of 38K art!

(open August 20, 2020 / closed October 19, 2021)

art → Mihoshi 38K.


Cold Green Ice | AKM BMG vol3


Faixa numero 1 do album Cristal mask of Lipstick AKM BGM vol3

Cristal mask of Lipstick AKM BGM vol3

faixa 2 - Super Carnival Space Masks 1:54

Data de lançamento do álbum:
30 Março 2016

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Track number 1 from the album Cristal mask of Lipstick AKM BGM vol3

Cristal mask of Lipstick AKM BGM vol3

track 2 - Super Carnival Space Masks 1:54

Album release date:
30 March 2016

Cold Green Ice and the album "Cristal mask of Lipstick AKM BGM vol3" by AshiroKei all rights reserved.


2021 the return...

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 Hi, everyone!

I am resuming the activities of the blog and all my social networks.

Life has hit me hard, it's time to hit harder than life, but I can't do it alone. In case you like my work and want that me not to go away stay tuned and whenever possible share my posts here.

Now you can access all my social networks on this LINK.

Gradually all my social networks are will back on, sorry for the disappearance but it was important for me to reflect and start waking up for life. Anyone who follows my twitter always saw me complaining or whining there, I'm about to change a lot in my life and hold life the reins even.

I will not be stretching here, thankful to all who can and want to support me.

Thank you per reading and have a nice day!

2021 o retorno...

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Select the language → [ENG]


 Hi, everyone!

Estou retomando as atividades do blog e de todas as minhas redes sociais.

A vida tem batido bem forte em mim está na hora de bater mais forte que a vida, mas não consigo sozinho. Caso você goste do meu trabalho e queira que eu não suma mais fique ligado e sempre que possível compartilhe meus posts aqui.

Agora você pode acessar todas minhas redes sociais nesse LINK.

Aos poucos todas as minhas redes sociais voltaram a ativa, desculpem o sumiço mas foi importante para que eu pudesse refletir e começar a acordar para a vida.Quem acompanha meu twitter sempre via eu reclamando ou choramingando por lá, estou para mudar muita coisa na minha vida tomar as rédias mesmo.

Não ficarei me alongando aqui, grato a todos que puderem e quiserem me apoiar.

Thank you per reading and have a nice day!