
um video sobre Heros [yt 0019]


Um pequeno video sobre Heros.

Musica → Broken Jelly Heart by AshiroKei.






Postado originalmente em 22 de Dezembro de 2015.

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A short video about Heros.

Music → Broken Jelly Heart by AshiroKei.






Originally posted on December 22, 2015.

Audio: [PT-BR]
Legendas/Subtitles: YES [PT-BR/ENG]
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video, Voice and music by AshiroKei.



Um video sobre Digude [yt 0018]


Um pequeno video sobre Digude.

Musica → Beat Space Fire Zoo by AshiroKei.






Postado originalmente em 22 de Dezembro de 2015.

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A short video about Digude.

Music → Beat Space Fire Zoo by AshiroKei.






Originally posted on December 22, 2015.

Audio: [PT-BR]
Legendas/Subtitles: YES [PT-BR/ENG]
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video, Voice and music by AshiroKei.



Nintendo Direct 11.1.2018


Ontem dia 1º de novembro, és que foi transmitido o ultimo direct do SUPER SMASH BROS ULTIMATE.
Então foi um direct que realmente conseguiu me “pegar de jeito”. 
Confesso que eu estava começando a ficar desanimado com o SUPER SMASH BROS ULTIMATE pois eu tinha uma opinião totalmente diferente sobre o NINTENDO SWITCH, mas esse ultimo direct junto com o fato de um mega brother meu pegou um SWITCH recentemente fez com que meu HYPER para o SSBU fosse as alturas, a revelação do KEN MASTERS e do INECEROAR foi um bom começo para o direct que foi focado no SSBU, com um total de 74 personagens sendo que ainda temos a PIRANHA PLANT para quem fizer a Pré-compra. Creio que virá por DLC no futuro. Então é mostrado o modo que eu estava esperando desde SUPER SMASH BROS BRAWL, o modo HISTÓRIA que apresentou a musica tema cantada que me emocionou muito!
SSBU ou SUPER SMASH BROS ULTIMATE promete ser o maior e melhor crossover de todos os tempos! A única coisa que me deixou desanimando foi que foram retirados os troféus do game. Porém mesmo assim o game brilhou muito e falou muito alto ao meu coração.

Confira o direct da Nintendo aqui → Nintendo Direct 11.1.2018.

Canal da  Nintendo → Canal da Nintendo.

Desculpe, mas desta vez eu não desenhei para ilustrar, mas temos capturas de tela.
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Yesterday, November 1st, it was the last direct of the SUPER SMASH BROS ULTIMATE.
So it was a direct that really managed to get me "caught up".
I confess I was starting to get discouraged with the SUPER SMASH BROS ULTIMATE as I had a totally different opinion on the NINTENDO SWITCH, but this last direct along with the fact that a mega brother pick up a SWITCH recently made my HYPER to the SSBU was the heights, the revelation of KEN MASTERS and INECEROAR was a good start for the direct that was focused on SSBU, with a total of 74 characters being that we still have PIRANHA PLANT for those who make the Pre-order. I believe it will come by DLC in the future. Then it shows the mode I've been waiting since SUPER SMASH BROS BRAWL, the HISTORY mode that presented the theme song singed that emotived me that much!
SSBU or SUPER SMASH BROS ULTIMATE promises to be the greatest and best crossover of all time! The only thing that left me feeling discouraged was that trophies were removed from the game. But still the game shone a lot and spoke very loudly to my heart.

Check the Nintendo direct here → Nintendo Direct 11.1.2018.

Nintendo Channel → Nintendo Channel.

Sorry, but this time i didn't drawing to illustrate, but we have screen captures.

What happened on the fateful day?
All characters have your "spirits" taken.


Details, Sonic try to help Pikachu.


Kirby try to escape.


Kirby survived!


Kirby will save everyone!


Everyone needs your "spirits" back!




Resultados da votação da arte de 32K!

(Aberta 3 de Outubro de 2018 / fechada 5 de Dezembro de 2018)

arte → Xiaoyu - 32k by AshiroKei.


Results of the Votation of 32K art!

(open October 3, 2018 / closed December 5, 2018)

art → Xiaoyu - 32k by AshiroKei.





Resultados da votação da arte de 31K!

(Aberta 05 de Junho de 2018 / fechada 21 de Agosto de 2018)

arte → Lady Palutena - 31K by AshiroKei.


Results of the Votation of 31K art!

(open June 05, 2018 / closed Agosto 21, 2018)

art → Lady Palutena - 31K by AshiroKei.



Akira Phoenix - Popsicle [art n 122]

Akira Phoenix - Popsicle by AshiroKei
[original resolution 1665×1119 only deviantart] 


Akira ama picolé e eu também por isso essa arte fofinha dela.

→ Akira Phoenix - Popsicle by AshiroKei.

postado originalmente em 12 de fevereiro de 2014
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Akira loves popsicles and I too, so I did this cute art of her.

→ Akira Phoenix - Popsicle by AshiroKei.

originally posted on February 12, 2014

Akira Phoenix by AshiroKei all rights reserved.
Art © AshiroKei





Inspirado no canal ROD ROCKET o qual eu sigo e recomendo.
Eu decidi fazer minha versão do GOROCHU
Como os designers originais da série pokemon em entrevista falaram,
GOROCHU teria chifres e presas. Para mais detalhes acessem o vídeo do ROD ROCKET (Link).
Como a ideia desse pokemon seria ele ter chifres eu decidi por coloca-lo com dois tipos:
elétrico e dragão.
uma coisa vital na minha versão do GOROCHU foi a mudança de shape,
que como eu já havia visto previamente, muito artistas que fizeram esse pokemon decidiram usar o shape do RAICHU ou mesmo liga-lo ao RAICHU em aparecia.
com o tipo dragão em mente eu modifiquei toda a estrutura do pokemon mas ainda é notória que é uma evolução da família PIKACHU.

Vamos a pokedex do GOROCHU
Como o GOROCHU foi cortado por questões de balanceamento eu aloprei em seus estatus.

Seus movimentos são:

  • Volt tackle
  • Draco meteor
  • Iron tail
  • hyper beam

Sua hability filter que reduz o dano de ataques super efetivos.

Esse pokemon pode ter duas natures, sendo elas brave e serious

Stats em serius:
320 de hp
126 de ataque
120 de defesa
90 de ataque especial
105 de defesa especial
160 de velocidade

Totalizando 921 pontos.

Stats em brave:
320 de hp
176 de ataque
120 de defesa
90 de ataque especial
105 de defesa especial
110 de velocidade

Totalizando 921 pontos também.

fiz muita pesquisa para desenvolver  a pokedex desse pokemon

vamos a sua descrição na dex:

Para evoluir para GOROCHU, Raichu precisa  abandonar seu treinador
e seguir uma jornada segurando uma “VOLT SCALE” (item que criei)
até ser atingido pelo FUSION BOLT de um Zekrom, após ser atingido ele deve seguir jornada segurando a mesma “VOLT SCALE”e ser atingido pelo BLUE FLARE do Reshiram.
Fica a cargo do próprio Gorochu voltar ou não para o seu  antigo treinador.
Esse pokemon é classificado como pokemon estrondo. Ele emite  eletricidade azul
suas descargas são tão  poderosas que ele é capaz de atingir a  temperatura do sol
e gerar energia para três cidades durante 50 anos.
Gorochu costuma ser violento quando  desafiado
Seu capture rate é de 0,000000001% sendo necessário o uso de uma Masterball.
Sendo capturado Gorochu só  obedece treinadores que ele julgar fortes, quaisquer desentendimento faz esse pokemon partir.
Se o Gorochu retornar para seu ex-treinador ele ficará ao seu lado até a consumação dos séculos.

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Inspired by the ROD ROCKET channel which I follow and recommend.
I decided to make my version of GOROCHU
As the original pokemon series designers interviewed said,
GOROCHU would have horns and fangs. For more details, visit the ROD ROCKET (Link) video.
As the idea of ​​this pokemon would be to have horns I decided to put it with two types:
Electric and dragon.
one vital thing in my version of GOROCHU was the change of shape,
which as I had seen previously, many artists who made this pokemon decided to use the shape of the RAICHU or even link it to RAICHU in appearance.
with the dragon type in mind I modified the entire structure of the pokemon but it is still notorious that it is an evolution of the PIKACHU family.

Let's pokedex the GOROCHU
As the GOROCHU was cut for balancing issues I traveled in their status.

His movements are:

  • Volt tackle
  • Draco meteor
  • Iron tail
  • hyper beam

Its hability filter that reduces damage from super effective attacks.

This pokemon can have two natures, being brave and serious

Stats em serius:

320 hp
126 of attack
120 of defense
90 Special Attack
105 special defense
160 speed

Totaling 921 points.

Stats in brave:

320 hp
176 of attack
120 of defense
90 Special Attack
105 special defense
110 speed

Totaling 921 points too.

I did a lot of research to develop the pokedex of this pokemon

Let's get your description on the dex:

To evolve into GOROCHU, Raichu needs to abandon his coach
and follow a journey holding a "VOLT SCALE" (item I created)
until he is hit by the FUSION BOLT of a Zekrom, after being hit he must continue the journey holding the same "VOLT SCALE" and be hit by the BLUE FLARE of Reshiram.
It is up to Gorochu himself to return or not to his former coach.
This pokemon is classified as bang pokemon. It emits blue electricity
his discharges are so powerful that he is able to reach the temperature of the sun
and generate power for three cities for 50 years.
Gorochu is often violent when challenged
Its capture rate is 0.000000001% and it is necessary to use a Masterball.
If captured Gorochu only obeys trainers that he deems strong, any disagreement makes this pokemon go away.
If the Gorochu returns to his former coach he will be by his side until the end of time.

Gorochu by AshiroKei

Gorochu DEX pag1 by AshiroKei

Gorochu DEX pag2 by AshiroKei

Gorochu DEX pag3 by AshiroKei




Lutchirisu a evolução do Pachirisu com um Black Belt e amizade elevada esse pokemon atinge essa forma. Esse pokemon é um dos lutadores mais velozes do mundo pokemon.

tipos: eletrico e lutador.


  • Thunder bolt
  • Thunder kick
  • bolt strike
  • sonic dash punch
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Lutchirisu the evolution of Pachirisu with a Black Belt and high friendship this pokemon reaches to this form. This pokemon is one of the fastest fighters in the pokemon world.

types: electric and fighting. 


  • Thunder bolt
  • Thunder kick
  • bolt strike
  • sonic dash punch


minha coleção de obras nacionais [yt 0017]


Um video curto sobre minha coleção de obras nacionais!.

musica → Cold Green Ice by AshiroKei.













O Principe de Wonderland


Rogue Sword









Postado originalmente em 20 de Dezembro de 2015.
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One short video about my collection of nacional works!

music → Cold Green Ice by AshiroKei.













O Principe de Wonderland


Rogue Sword









Originally posted on December 20, 2015.

Audio: [PT-BR]
Legendas/Subtitles: YES [PT-BR/ENG]
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video, Voice and music by AshiroKei.


Claire SpeedPaint [yt 0016]


Um Speedpaint da Claire Redfield.

musica → Watch out!! by AshiroKei.

arte → Claire by AshiroKei.

Postado originalmente em 30 de Novembro de 2015.
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One SpeedPaint of Claire Redfield.

music → Watch out!! by AshiroKei.

art → Claire by AshiroKei.

Originally posted on November 30, 2015.

Audio: [ENG]
Legendas/Subtitles: NO
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video, Voice and music by AshiroKei.


Athena SpeedPaint [yt 0015]


Um Speedpaint da Athena.

musica → Psychotic Dreams by AshiroKei.

arte → Athena by AshiroKei.

Postado originalmente em 12 de Outubro de 2015.
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One SpeedPaint of Athena.

music → Psychotic Dreams by AshiroKei.

art → Athena by AshiroKei.

Originally posted on October 12, 2015.

Audio: [ENG]
Legendas/Subtitles: NO
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video, Voice and music by AshiroKei.



Sticks SpeedPaint [yt 0014]


Um Speedpaint da Sticks the Badger.

musica → Super Carnival Space Masks by AshiroKei.

arte → Sticks by AshiroKei.

Postado originalmente em 16 de Setembro de 2015.
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One SpeedPaint of Sticks the Badger.

music → Super Carnival Space Masks by AshiroKei.

art → Sticks by AshiroKei.

Originally posted on September 16, 2015.

Audio: [ENG]
Legendas/Subtitles: NO
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video, Voice and music by AshiroKei.



Sonic Boom [art n 121]

Sonic Boom by AshiroKei
[original resolution 2208x3033 only deviantart]


Quando vi o anúncio, fiquei surpreso, um novo Sonic, conheci a nova série animada, mas não esperava uma mudança tão grande, fico feliz em saber que poderei jogar de novo com a Amy, o Knuckles e o Tails, gostei muito do novo visual da Sonic, então fiz essa arte.
Estou ansioso com o novo jogo.
(texto escrito antes do lançamento do jogo).

→ Sonic Boom by AshiroKei.

Postado originalmente em 8 de fevereiro de 2014.

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When I saw the announcement, I was surprised, a new Sonic, I knew the new animated serie but did not expect such a big change, I'm happy to know that I will be able to play again with the Amy, the Knuckles and the Tails, I liked very much the Sonic's new look, so I made this art.
I'm anxious with the new game.
(written text before the game release).

→ Sonic Boom by AshiroKei.

Originally published on february 8, 2014.

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners
Art © AshiroKei


Confused Akira Phoenix [art n 120]

Confused Akira Phoenix by AshiroKei
[original resolution 1713x1138 only deviantart]


Confusa. Um piscina de bolas com crianças mais Akira é igual a esta situação.

→ Confused Akira Phoenix by AshiroKei.

Postado originalmente em 7 de fevereiro de 2014.

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Confused. One pool of balls with kids plus Akira equal the this situation.

→ Confused Akira Phoenix by AshiroKei.

Originally published on february 7, 2014.

Akira Phoenix by AshiroKei all rights reserved.
© AshiroKei


Mega Blaziken SpeedPaint [yt 0013]


Um speedpaint do Blaziken.

musica → K9 Y Loop by AshiroKei.

arte → Mega Blaziken by AshiroKei.

Postado originalmente em 10 de junho de 2015.
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One speedpaint of the Blaziken.

music → K9 Y Loop by AshiroKei.

art → Mega Blaziken by AshiroKei.

Originally posted on June 10, 2015.

Audio: [ENG]
Legendas/Subtitles: NO
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video, Voice and music by AshiroKei.


Angewomon speedpaint [yt 0012]


1º speedpaint do canal.

musica → Cold Green Ice by AshiroKei.

arte → Angewomon by AshiroKei.

Postado originalmente em 29 de abril de 2015.
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1st speedpaint of the channel.

music → Cold Green Ice by AshiroKei.

art → Angewomon by AshiroKei.

Originally posted on April 29, 2015.

Audio: [ENG]
Legendas/Subtitles: NO
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video, Voice and music by AshiroKei.



Nintendo Direct 3.8.2018


hoje dia 8 de março de 2018 a Nintendo lançou em seu canal do Youtube um Nintendo Direct que à primeira vista não me causou nenhuma reação, apenas com remasters e games que já estavam programados para sair na plataforma Nintendo 3DS, porém aos 22 minutos e 26 segundos mostrou algo que poucos imaginariam: Crash Bandicoot N' Sane Trilogy. Um belo game que foi lançado para PlayStation one e fora remasterizado para PlayStation 4 e que agora estará também presente no Nintendo Switch.
Mas a surpresa mesmo ficou pelo no pacote de expansão do game Splatoon 2 que agora trará os Octolings em um novo modo single player e que ao termina-lo será possível jogar como Octoling no modo Multiplayer. Este dlc é chamado: Octo Expansão
Mas ao fim do Direct és que é mostrado um teaser de nada mais nada mesmo que Super Smash Bros.

Eu estou tão empolgado que fiz essas duas fanarts do direct, que você confere abaixo.

confira o direct da Nintendo aqui → Nintendo Direct 3.8.2018.

Canal da  Nintendo → Canal da Nintendo.
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today on March 8, 2018 Nintendo launched on its Youtube channel a Nintendo Direct that at first sight did not cause me any reaction, only with remasters and games that were already programmed to leave on the Nintendo 3DS platform, but at 22 minutes and 26 seconds showed something that few would imagine: Crash Bandicoot N 'Sane Trilogy. A beautiful game that was released for PlayStation one and was remastered for PlayStation 4 and that will now also be present on the Nintendo Switch.
But the surprise was even for the expansion pack of the game Splatoon 2 that will now bring the Octolings in a new single player mode and that when it ends it will be possible to play as Octoling in Multiplayer mode. This dlc is called: Octo Expansion.
But at the end of Direct is that it is shown one teaser of nothing more nothing than Super Smash Bros.

I'm so excited that I did these two fanarts of the direct, which you check below.

check the Nintendo direct here → Nintendo Direct 3.8.2018.

Nintendo Channel → Nintendo Channel.


Octo Expansion by AshiroKei




Jessie [art n119]

Jessie by AshiroKei
[original resolution 2599x3115 only deviantart]


Ela é uma integrante da equipe Rocket junto com james e Meowth, eu a amo. No anime desde o segundo episódio em 1997, mais ou menos.
Pokémon é fantástico!

→ Jessie by AshiroKei.

Postado originalmente em 6 de fevereiro de 2014.

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She is one integrants of Rocket team together with james and Meowth, i love she. In anime since the second episode in 1997, more or less.
Pokémon is awesome!

→ Jessie by AshiroKei.

Originally published on february 6, 2014.

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners
Art © AshiroKei


Berserk Final Battle Parody [yt 0011]


Minha primeira animação, fiz essa paródia da minha série de manga favorita: Berserk.

Espero que todos gostem.

thumbnail → Guts and Grifis by AshiroKei.

musica → Dark Lord K tag by AshiroKei.

versão do newgrounds → Berserk FinalBattleParody by AshiroKei.

Postado originalmente em 28 de fevereiro de 2015.

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My first animation, i did this parody of my favorite manga series: Berserk.

I hope all enjoy.

thumbnail → Guts and Grifis by AshiroKei.

music → Dark Lord K tag by AshiroKei.

newgrounds version → Berserk FinalBattleParody by AshiroKei.

Originally published on february 28, 2015.

Audio: [ENG]
Legendas/Subtitles: YES [PT-BR|ENG]
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Animation, Voice and music by AshiroKei.


my manga collection update 2015 [yt 0010]


Atualização da minha lista de mangás

musica → Bee of EL Under Lava by AshiroKei.

Postado originalmente em 14 de fevereiro de 2015.

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Update of my list of mangas.

music → Bee of EL Under Lava by AshiroKei.

Originally published on february 14, 2015.

Audio: [ENG/JAP]
Legendas/Subtitles: YES [PT-BR|ENG]
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

Akira Phoenix by AshiroKei all rights reserved.
All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video, Voice and music by AshiroKei.


3DS Unboxing + [yt 0009]


Unboxing do meu 1º video game portátil e mais

musica →  Vortex Fire Iced 'W by AshiroKei.

thumbnail → thumbnail art.

Postado originalmente em 29 de Novermbro de 2013.

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Unboxing of my 1st portable video game and more.

music →  Vortex Fire Iced 'W by AshiroKei.

thumbnail → thumbnail art.

Originally published on November 29, 2013.

Audio: [PT-BR]
Legendas/Subtitles: YES [PT-BR|ENG]
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

Akira Phoenix by AshiroKei all rights reserved.
All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video, Voice and music by AshiroKei.


Tutorial cleaning pen nankim [yt 0008]


Tutorial de limpeza de uma caneta Nakim.

musica →  XTC Beat by AshiroKei.

thumbnail → thumbnail art.

Postado originalmente em 17 de Março de 2013.

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Tutorial of cleaning a nakim pen.

music →  XTC Beat by AshiroKei.

thumbnail → thumbnail art.

Originally published on March 17, 2013.

Audio: [PT-BR]
Legendas/Subtitles: YES [PT-BR|ENG]
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

Akira Phoenix by AshiroKei all rights reserved.
All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video, Voice and music by AshiroKei.




Unboxing da minha primeira mesa digitalizadora, um Wacom connect pen ctl470 + um Speed paint. Like and fav, deu muito trabalho.

→ Thumbnail art.

Postado originalmente em 17 de Março de 2013.

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Unboxing of my first tablet, a Wacom connect  pen ctl470 + a Speed ​​paint. Like and  fav , gave a lot of work.

→ Thumbnail art.

Originally published on March 17, 2013.

Audio: [PT-BR]
Legendas/Subtitles: YES [PT-BR|ENG]
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

Akira Phoenix by AshiroKei all rights reserved.
All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video and Voice  by AshiroKei.


Unboxing Space Channel 5 and Phantasy Star Online v2 [yt 0006]


Unboxing de dois jogos de Dreamcast Space Channel 5 e Phantasy Star Online v2.

Postado originalmente em 19 de Novembro de 2012.

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Unboxing of two games of dreamcast Space Channel 5 and Phantasy Star Online v2.

Originally published on November 19, 2012.

Audio: [ENG]
Legendas/Subtitles: YES [PT-BR|ENG]
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video and Voice by AshiroKei.


My Comics Collection [yt 0005]


Este video a pedido de Harley Hoffmann, este vídeo é sobre minha coleção de quadrinhos.

Postado originalmente em 6 de Agosto de 2012.

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This video at request of Harley Hoffmann, this video is about my collection of comics.

Originally published on August 6, 2012.

Audio: [ENG]
Legendas/Subtitles: YES [PT-BR|ENG]
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To AshiroKei.
Video and Voice by AshiroKei.


SILVER the HEDGEHOG Jazwares ANALYSIS [yt 0004]


Uma análise de Silver, visite o canal do ErykerCorp, para vê-lo em ação.

Postado originalmente em 30 de Maio de 2012.

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A analysis of Silver, visit the channel of the ErykerCorp, to see it in action.

Originally published on May 30, 2012.

Audio: [ENG]
Legendas/Subtitles: YES [PT-BR|ENG]
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To Their Respective Owners.
Video andVoice by AshiroKei.


My Manga Collection (part2) [yt 0003]


Data da gravação do vídeo: 2012.4.21
Este é um vídeo da minha coleção de mangás, ele é um pouco grande, então foi dividido em duas partes.


Postado originalmente em 24 de abril de 2012.

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Date of Video recording: 2012.4.21
This is a video of my manga collection, he is somewhat big, so was divided into two parts.


Originally published on april 24, 2012.

Audio: [ENG]
Legendas/Subtitles: NO
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To AshiroKei.
Video and Voice by AshiroKei.


My Manga Collection (part1) [yt 0002]


Data da gravação do vídeo: 2012.4.21
Este é um vídeo da minha coleção de mangás, ele é um pouco grande, então foi dividido em duas partes.


Postado originalmente em 24 de abril de 2012.

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Date of Video recording: 2012.4.21
This is a video of my manga collection, he is somewhat big, so was divided into two parts.


Originally published on april 24, 2012.

Audio: [ENG]
Legendas/Subtitles: NO
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To AshiroKei.
Video and Voice by AshiroKei.


Dreamcast and pikachu eryker my old treasures [yt 0001]


Primeiro video do canal.

Postado originalmente em 6 de fevereiro de 2012.

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First channel video.

Originally published on February 6, 2012.

Audio: [ENG]
Legendas/Subtitles: YES [PT-BR|ENG]
Categoria/Category: Entretenimento/Entertainment

All Copyrighted Material Belongs To AshiroKeis.
Video and Voice by AshiroKei.


Akira Phoenix Crying [art n 118]

Akira Phoenix Crying by AshiroKei
[original resolution 1809x1199 only deviantart]


Minha mascote em um momento triste.

→ Akira Phoenix Crying by AshiroKei.

Postado originalmente em 4 de fevereiro de 2014.

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My mascot in one sad moment.

→ Akira Phoenix Crying by AshiroKei.

Originally published on February 4, 2014.

Akira Phoenix by AshiroKei all rights reserved.
© AshiroKei


Akira Phoenix - Chibi Level-UP [art n 117]

Akira Phoenix - Chibi Level-UP by AshiroKei
[original resolution 1809x1552 only deviantart]


Minha mascote em Chibi forma novamente, agora em Level up pose.

→ Akira Phoenix - Chibi Level-UP by AshiroKei.

Postado originalmente em 4 de fevereiro de 2014.

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My mascot in Chibi form again, now in Level up pose.

→ Akira Phoenix - Chibi Level-UP by AshiroKei.

Originally published on February 4, 2014.

Akira Phoenix by AshiroKei all rights reserved.
© AshiroKei


Akira Phoenix - malicious face [art n 116]

Akira Phoenix - malicious face by AshiroKei
[original resolution 1234×1181 only deviantart]


Minha mascote: Akira Phoenix com uma carinha maliciosa.

→ Akira Phoenix - malicious face by AshiroKei.

Postado originalmente em 2 de fevereiro de 2014.

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My mascot: Akira Phoenix with a malicious face.

→ Akira Phoenix - malicious face by AshiroKei.

Originally published on February 2, 2014.

Akira Phoenix by AshiroKei all rights reserved.
© AshiroKei
